I’m a little in love with this recipe. Oh, 40 Clove Chickpeas, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways… Well, for starters, it’s delicious, I mean really delicious. How can you go wrong with chickpeas, broccoli and a ton of garlic? You can’t. Second, it’s ridiculously easy to make – it has like, 5 ingredients and almost all of the time required it baking time so you have almost no work to do at all. It’s also a complete meal in one dish, so bonus – no thinking about what else to have with it. (Although I have served it with roasted potatoes and there’s nothing wrong with that, either.) And finally, it makes great leftovers for lunch. I make a double batch because our servings of this may be a little bigger than the recipe states, strictly speaking. You can use canned beans if you like, but I generally just cook some the day before so it’s basically the same thing. So if you want a delicious, healthy, simple meal, look no further. The rating was our compromise; Seth said 4, I said 4.25. Yes, I know the compromise there is 4.125, but…
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