So I wasn’t able to get to Terry’s demo at Atlanta Veg Fest when she made these sandwiches from Vegan Eats World (grrrr) and I heard she even used a variation on the seitan that had olives in it (yum!) and made the tzatziki using the cashew yogurt sauce. This is one of those meals that could have gone horribly wrong due to a few unforeseen ingredient issues. I couldn’t find any of the thick pitas that are best for this type of sandwich, so I was going to make the naan recipe (also in the book) and make smaller loaves and use those instead. Which was a great plan until I opened the container of soy yogurt I had in the fridge and discovered it had turned into a science project. Um, yeah. I also needed that for the sauce so it wasn’t just the naan that was going to be a problem here. Thankfully, Seth called on his way home to see if I needed anything, so I asked him to grab whatever vegan friendly pitas he could find (I now didn’t have enough time to make naan since it needs to rise twice). I had some seitan on hand (Veganomicon recipe) so I just used that instead of making a fresh batch. I think the next time I will use one of the flavor variation suggested in the recipe (although the plain was delish also). I didn’t have any cashews on hand, so I went with the other yogurt sauce recipe in the book and it’s crazy good, although I did add extra dill (I just love dill, really). I made a half batch and it was way more than enough. We had a simple salad on the side and I made a quick Greek style dressing for it. If you don’t already have a copy of Vegan Eats World, go get one.
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