The December ATL Vegan Drinks meet-up was held at Café Sunflower, a favorite vegetarian restaurant here in Atlanta. They worked up an amazing tapas menu for us, which was pretty impressive. Platters were brought around with the different items and you could just pick and choose which you wanted and which you didn’t. We had almost everything. It’s hard to say which was my favorite. We were so into the food, we forgot to take pictures of a few things…

The Sesame Soy-Chicken Kabobs were the first item to come around. They were pretty tasty and a nice way to start off. Café Sunflower serves this soy chicken in a few dishes and while it’s good, it’s not my favorite thing on their menu. We skipped the Jicama Hibiscus Rolls, but everyone who had them loved them. The next thing brought to our table was the Asian Pan-Fried Bun, which it think was actually steamed. Either way, I won’t argue with vegan bao. This one was filled with veggies and glass noodles in a light and tasty brown sauce. They were delicious and I could’ve eaten a few more of them.

The Black Bean Sliders were amazing. I don’t know what was in the creamy dressing on them, but it was oh holy yum and really made the burgers an impressive item instead of just a small veggie burger. I had mine at the same time as the Barbajuan Fried Ravioli and just wow. I confess - I had to look up what barbajuan is. This version was yummy and I think they used either a cashew or tofu based cheese in it. Either way, I loved it and these little fried guys were one of the most popular items served.

I don’t like avocados all that much (I know, I know) so I skipped the Fried Avocado Tacos, but Seth loved it and everyone else who had them thought they were delicious. They looked pretty good – if you go in for avocados. I also skipped the Arugula Salad with Vegan Ricotta. It sounded good, but arugula really isn’t my favorite green and I was getting full fast.

Seth got the last menu item of the Soy-Chicken Enchilada and I took a little bite (I was saving room for dessert). It was good and pretty large for a tapas item. I don’t think I could’ve eaten a whole one – the chicken filling was really rich. I ordered the crepes for dessert. It was perfect - a light crepe filled with vegan cream cheese and topped with blueberries. The other choice for dessert was a raw cheesecake, which they have on the regular menu. One day I’ll try it, but usually I get one of the amazing baked cakes for dessert when I go.
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