I baked a lot over the weekend and we had some running around to do so we just had stuff like frozen pizzas for dinner. No, not healthy or all that good, but when you’ve spent the day making cookies (and quality testing them too), you make not feel like a real meal. Anyway, even though I’d spent all of Monday in the kitchen making stuff to bring for Christmas dinner and share with friends, I still cooked dinner. Since our families are in opposite directions, Seth and I go our separate ways on Christmas so we celebrate together on Christmas Eve. Nothing says Christmas quite like Korean tofu tacos, so there you have it. We first made this recipe back in October and liked it rather a lot. I’d been poking around looking for tofu taco recipes, because I’d become a little taken with them and ran across this one. The blogger isn’t vegan, or even vegetarian, (and is just shocked that she liked a tofu taco) but she said she was doing a vegan “cleanse”, which apparently included tacos from a food truck. I’ll refrain from ranting about the absurdity that, and will just be glad she deconstructed the meal and posted the recipe she came up with when she made an at home version. Leave out the fish sauce, which she describes as a tiny “cheat” because it’s obviously not vegan. Sigh. I added a tiny dash of kelp powder this time, but even that’s not necessary. The other tweaks were that I let my tofu marinade for a couple of hours and we also swapped out flour tortillas for the corn. I used a pre-shredded slaw mix for the cabbage and I’m glad I did. I liked the carrots and the mix of green and red cabbage. I almost never buy the mixes because it’s so much more expensive, but I didn’t have anything planned that used cabbage and didn’t want to waste half of a head. The natural companion for Korean tacos is of course Latin yellow rice (Viva Vegan). We love this rice and have it often. It’s so easy to make and adds so much flavor to the meal. It was a nice counterpoint to the spicy tacos. Oh, and do yourself a favor - serve these with Sriracha. You’re welcome.
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