I initially planned to make the black bean soup recipe in Viva Vegan, but uh, realized on Monday that it needed to cook for a really long time, so I did a last minute substitution. I almost never use canned beans, but I made an exception this time because I was in a crunch. 1000 Vegan Recipes to the rescue! It came together pretty quickly and then just needed to simmer for a little while. We really liked the corn in the soup – it just gives it more flavor and a bit of sweetness that’s perfect. Of course, black beans and corn are always perfect together so you really can’t go wrong, right? I had some leftover corn muffins in the freezer, so I thawed those out and warmed them up in the toaster oven while the soup simmered and Seth made a salad. I’ve been a little obsessed with the ranch dressing in Cookin’ Crunk lately and it gets a lot of play around here. It’s also really really really easy and fast to make, so I can have it at the drop of a hat. Perfect, comfy cozy dinner on a chilly evening.
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