What do you do with leftover black beans, a few random veggies and an ear of corn? Enchiladas of course! This is one of those meals that just sort of makes itself. All I really did was chop up the veggies & sauté them for a few minutes, and then roll them up in corn tortillas with some leftover Venezuelan Black Beans (Viva Vegan) and a little bit of Daiya pepperjack. I did make homemade sauce, though so that’s something. OK, not really, it’s the Happy Herbivore enchilada sauce recipe (in her first book) so it takes no time and almost no effort to make either. I’ve tried other enchilada sauce recipes and store bought brands, too and I just like this one the best. I‘m a fan of DIY because that way you know what’s in it, but really, this sauce is my favorite. I like it a little bit thicker, so I cut back on the water, but that’s just a preference. Oh, and store the leftover sauce in the freezer for the next time you make enchiladas. You’re welcome. Anyway, once they were assembled, I topped them with sliced olives and a little more cheese for good measure and popped them in the oven for about 20 minutes. Voila! Self-making enchiladas.
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