OK, so this was my taking a little license with a recipe in Viva Vegan and making it into tacos. We never really get tired of tacos and I like finding new ways to make them. This time, I thinly sliced some of the Steamed White Seitan (also in VV) I had in the freezer and pan fried it for a few minutes. Then I cut it into strips and tossed it with the marinade for the Peruvian skewers (VV). I set it aside and let it soak up the marinade for a few minutes while I prepped the rice.

Then, the seitan went back into the pan to warm while I sautéed onions and spinach, for a slightly different take on the standard lettuce. Not to lose the classic taco format altogether, we also used chopped tomatoes. We’re a house divided when it comes to taco shells – I like soft, flout tortillas and Seth likes the crunchy corn kind. I also like to use a little vegan sour cream in mine. There was a tiny little bit of seitan leftover that will make a nice addition to a salad.
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