Adventures in CSA box continue! This week’s box included garlic scapes, something I’ve never, ever cooked with. But they are wicked cool looking. The box also had a bunch of chard, kale and bok choy. I decided to cook the chard first (because I love it so). But, I wanted to try something different and also to use the curly little scapes. A quick search yielded this recipe, which I followed pretty closely. Of course, I can’t just leave anything alone, so I added some toasted pine nuts as a garnish after it was done. I also reduced the oil by half & it was totally fine. The garlic scapes, as it turns out, are pretty much like garlic flavored scallions – FOR THE WIN! I hope I get more of these next week, because I think I have a new favorite food toy. Anyway, I thought it turned out super yummy and delicious, Seth wasn’t as impressed. Whatever. It was good. It would also be excellent with some cannellini, which could really make it a full meal if the bunch of chard were large enough. Plus, toasted pine nuts! DO IT! Moving on. We had a couple of ears of corn in the freezer, so I plopped those in the grill pan. And hey, instead of that old nasty palm-oil containing Earth Balance, try making your own vegan butter. (It’s way easier than you’d think and it’s really good!) We also had a can of baked beans on hand. I usually make them myself using the Happy Herbivore recipe, but we bought some to take camping and didn’t eat them, so I figured we might as well use them up. Oh, and a few people have asked me this - we're using Jackson-Lowe Vegetable Farm for our CSA. Their list is full for the year, but you can get on the waitng list or find them at farmers markets.
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