So there was half of a Napa cabbage staring at me from the fridge. Not really. That would be creepy. We don’t eat anything with eyes. What kind of sickos do you think we are?! But there was half a cabbage in the fridge, and it did need to get used up. Also, some broccoli and mini bell peppers. So. Yeah. That’s going in a stir fry. Oh good! A block of tofu! You know the drill – press, marinate (Veganomicon Asian marinade), stir fry, put on top of rice. Pretty basic, but pretty yummy. And we’ve reached the end of the CSA week – new box tomorrow – and we’re down to just 1 head of lettuce (which will be my lunch tomorrow), a tiny bit of Napa (I couldn’t get it all in the stir fry) and way too much cilantro. CSA box, you will not defeat me!
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adrienne (Friday, 14 June 2013 17:33)
that's a beautiful tofu stir-fry! I love cabbage.