Wednesday arrived and with it, more beets. After getting them in the CSA box for the third week in a row, I was starting to panic. We’re not huge fans of beets, and I never buy them so I had no idea what to do with all of them. I started out by making beet chips, which were really good. After chatting with a few people, and looking at a bunch of recipes, I decided to make some burgers. I went with the PPK recipe for Quarter Pound Beet Burgers because it looked pretty easy and hearty and also had enough other stuff in it so the beets wouldn’t be the only flavor. I made the rice and lentils Tuesday night so everything was all set to go when it was burger making time on Wednesday. Naturally, I started off by not reading the instructions clearly and shredded the beets without peeling them. Oh well. It didn’t seem to make a difference in the final recipe, so not the end of the world. Once you get everything going in the food processor, the mixture looks alarmingly like ground cow, which was a little off-putting, but I persevered. The recipe requires about 30 minutes to chill once it’s all ground up, so I went for a walk to the store to pick up Boykitty’s blood pressure meds (his life is so stressful) and that was when I saw the food trucks. They haven’t been in the neighborhood since last year. We bailed on the burgers and got Korean tacos instead. The mixture sat in the fridge until the next day. The good news was that all I had to do was to shape the patties and cook them in the skillet since all of the other work was done. The size of the burgers as directed in the recipe seemed like a bit too much, so I made ours smaller and got about 7 or 8 burgers instead of 4. We topped them with Daiya Swiss-style slices and buns from Dough Bakery and they were really good. Not too “beety” and actually, I wouldn’t have minded them a tiny bit thicker. We cheated and had frozen fries and onion rings with these, so it really was a easy meal once I got to actually make it. Oh - the lettuce and onions on the burgers were also from the farm. The beuatiful buns were from Dough Bakery.
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