One thing we never tire of is beans & rice. OK, guess that’s two things but you know what I mean. I had some Field Roast Italian sausage in the fridge so I decided to make a batch. It’s perfect to make early in the week because then you have lots of leftovers for lunches. I love Color Me Vegan, and the recipe I use for red beans & rice comes from that book, although I think I must have about ten or so other recipes for it as well. It’s a pretty basic recipe – bell pepper (I like to use red instead of green, or a mix of the two), onion, garlic, Cajun seasoning and sausage. I make a couple of alterations to the original recipe in that I use two sausages instead of four and I use vegetable broth instead of water. I just feel like four of the sausages is too many and I like the flavor the broth adds to the rice. I also always have to cook mine for at 45 minutes to get the rice to finish and absorb all of the cooking liquid. We had some asparagus left from a few days ago, but not enough for two servings, so I cooked that along with some zucchini, shallots and garlic to give us enough veggies on the side. Broccoli is always good as a side with this, too. Or Brussels sprouts…
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