Hottie Black-Eyed Peas & Greens, Corn, Slaw & Tomato
Rating: 4.25
So we missed the last day of Vegan Mofo by having leftover soup for dinner. Oh well. It was yummy. Summer may be over, and the weather is starting to cool off, but I really felt like having one last summertime dinner. Seth really loves beans and veggies and so one of our favorite recipes is Hottie Black-Eyed & Greens from Appetite for Reduction. It has everything going for it – crazy easy to make, cooks really fast, and is delicious. What more could you want? We always use kale, because I don’t like collards, but those would be fine too. Really, pretty much any green would work – not spinach or chard though, those would cook down way too much. We like ours a little hot, so I add a little extra hot sauce and Seth puts even more on his at the table. I also add extra liquid smoke, because I just love it so much. Since I was feeling like summer, I grabbed some corn from the ever dwindling pile at the store. I’m sad to see it go for the year. It was actually still really good – I didn’t have high hopes so late in the year. We like to cook it in the grill pan, but it’s also really good roasted (leave the husk on, roast for about 30 minutes at 350). I had half a head of cabbage left from making Indian food the other day, so I decided to make slaw. I don’t really use a recipe anymore – I just sort of eyeball it – but the one I learned from is in 1000 Vegan Recipes and it’s really good. We rounded it out with a sliced tomato, which I marinated in balsamic vinegar for about 30 minutes and then sprinkled with a tiny bit of sea salt. Last of the yummy summer veggies…
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