Mediterranean Vegetables over Israeli Couscous
Rating: 4
The first time we made this it was because wed received a bulb of fennel in our CSA box and I looked around for a recipe to use it in. I’d had fennel in things at restaurants, but I had never cooked with it before so I wasn’t quite sure what to do with it. I found this recipe on the Vegetarian Times site and decided to give it a go. We loved it. It calls for mushrooms, which Seth hates, so the first time I just left them out altogether. This time, I cubed and steamed a turnip and added it in place of the ‘shrooms. I really liked it in there – it added some bulk and absorbed the seasoning well. I was a little short on tomatoes, but we didn’t really notice. I really should have cooked the fennel and carrots a little longer – they were a little more firm than I would have liked, but overall it was still good. I would have rated it higher if they were softer. The seasoning on the veggies included cinnamon, which really adds a little something to it. The recipe also calls for either lemon juice or balsamic vinegar to be added at the end, so I used a little bit of both. We like to serve this over Israeli couscous, which I always cook in vegetable broth to give it more flavor. We rounded out the meal with a nice big salad.
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