Friday, October 11
Venezuelan Black Beans and Yellow Garlic Rice
Rating: 4.5
Avocado Situation, Day 2. In case you missed it, when I went to get an avocado for Thursday’s dinner, the only ripe ones I could find were in a bag of four. I only needed one. I ended up getting four. Two were ripe & ready to go, two were almost ripe. So. Four days of avocados it is then. We used one on Thursday, and I moved what I’d planned to make out a few days and revised the to accommodate the Avocado Situation. I had some leftover Venezuelan Black Beans (Viva Vegan) in the freezer, so I grabbed those and let them thaw. It’s our favorite way to make black beans, but it needs to cook for a few hours so I normally make a big batch on a Saturday or Sunday, have some of the leftovers for lunch, and freeze the rest to use in bean emergencies. (They’re really good in tacos and enchiladas.) I made a quick batch of Yellow Garlic Rice (also in Viva Vegan), and Seth made some fresh pico de gallo and, of course, guacamole. (One more avocado down!) I also made some cashew sour cream, because I’m on a bit of a “pulverize cashews in the Vitamix” kick right now. I added about ½ cup of water to thin it out, an extra pinch of salt because I thought it needed it, and about a tablespoon of nooch, because, nooch. I had a little bit of trouble since the relatively small amount (one cup) of cashews got kind of spread out in the blender canister, but once I added the water (about ¼ at a time) it flowed better. I also ran the machine on a lower speed until it got to the right consistency, then cranked it up to make it smooth. I piped it over the top of the beans, rice, pico & guac pile and yummo. I may or may not have dipped chips directly in it, too. It's a little bit sweet, but it's really good. I have a lot left, so I’m thinking nachos…
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Becky Striepe (Sunday, 13 October 2013 07:39)
Ahh this looks amazing! I really need to make some cashew sour cream and do a taco night around here soon.
Elena (Sunday, 13 October 2013 10:20)
I've been putting cashew sour cream on everything that holds still long enough. A little goes a long way. We are so having nachos for lunch.