Tuesday, October 15
Butternut & Acorn Squash Soup
Rating: 4
I’ve been trying to use all of the squash we got from our CSA. We were down to a couple of small butternut, a couple of acorn and one delicata. Since winter squashes aren’t really our favorite veggies, I’ve had to get a little creative to make them more appealing to us. Soup is definitely a good way to do it since it’s such a blank canvas. I’ve made a couple of curried butternut soups already and really wanted to get the acorns into the action. A quick google search yielded this promising-looking recipe, which was going to need just a tiny bit of tweaking. (I used vegetable stock instead of the stock she has listed and I apologize for the really gross optional add-ins listed at the end of the recipe.) Anyway, it looked like a simple weeknight dinner, which would give us some leftovers for lunches. And it was simple – once I’d wrestled the two squashes out of their skins. I thought butternuts were hard to peel, but that acorn was kind of horrible. Anyway, then it’s really a simple matter of cubing and sautéing the naked squash for a few minutes, adding the broth and the seasoning and letting it simmer for about 30 minutes. I also diced and added a small serrano just to give it a little boost, which I liked. It’s a pretty basic recipe and you could really dress it up however you want, but I liked it as is. We had a simple salad and some warm, crusty bread on the side. And of course I had to garnish with some cashew sour cream because I’m trying to use it all up and it’s good on pretty much everything.
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Becky Striepe (Wednesday, 16 October 2013 17:41)
Double squash is doubly delicious! Acorn squash is such a pain to peel. Could you roast it halved next time and just scoop the flesh out instead?
Elena (Thursday, 17 October 2013 20:07)
I will never peel an acorn squash again. I peeled my knuckles as much as I did the squash. >_<
This recipe had you cube it & simmer it to cook before pureeing, but yes, the next time it goes in a soup, it's getting roasted first.