Friday, November 1
Rating: 4.5
OK, yes, I know I’ve been obsessed with Isa Does It lately, but you know how it is when you get a new toy. You can’t stop playing with it! If it helps at all, I’m the same way with regular books too. I just got the third book of a trilogy I’ve been in love with for two years and finished it in a day and a half. (And then got really mad because I hated the ending.) Anyway, I made a batch of the Queso Blanco for the tacos we had earlier this week and we loved it. I knew it would make a lot, so I planned a second meal we could use it in, or in this case, on. There’s a recipe in the book for nachos, which is essentially a combo of a few other recipes in the book, plus some for guac and pico. Normally, when we make nachos, we use whatever leftover beans we have kicking around. This time, I decided to go with the lentil “meat” recipe in the book. It’s the same one used for the Ancho Lentil Taco recipe and it is delicious. It’s perfect for nachos because you can spread it out pretty easily. I also normally bake our nachos (to melt the Daiya cheese) and then top with the cold topping. This time, since the queso was already hot (it reheats really well by the way, so don’t be afraid to make a big batch & use it again later), and so were the lentils, I went with the put it on a plate and layer it all up. I may have been a bit overzealous, because we had too much food, but man it was good. In addition to the lentil-taco filling & queso, we had black olives, lettuce, onion, tomato and cubed avocado. We also had some of Seth’s famous pcio and guac on the side. Yummy Friday night fun dinner.
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Kim (Thursday, 07 November 2013 19:08)
Just a guess here but was the book Allegient? If yes, I HATED the ending also. If not, you should read that trilogy too but you will hate the ending!
Elena (Friday, 08 November 2013 07:29)
It WAS Allegiant! I hated the ending so much, but I love that you guessed the book. :) Still, I can't wait for the Divergent movie to come out in March. I'm reading Madd Addam now, the last of the Oryx & Crake and Year of the Flood books. If it ends as badly as Allegiant, I may stop reading altogether. Not really.