Saturday, November 30
Angel Hair with Roasted Veggies
Rating: 4
Not your average Thanksgiving leftovers… Since the roasted veggies my mom made on Thursday were mostly eaten by me, the leftovers were mine for the taking. I’m not sure how she made them, other than olive oil and Italian seasoning. They were really good, though and all of my favorites were there – bell peppers, zucchini, onions, garlic, eggplant and mushrooms. We decided to make an easy supper of the veggies and some pasta. I also chopped up a tomato and threw that in there, too. File this under the easiest way to use up leftovers and have a delicious dinner at the same time. I just warmed them up in a pan while the pasta boiled and then… voila! Dinner! We had a little bit of ciabatta bread in the freezer, so I warmed that up as well and that was pretty much it. We also like to use leftover grilled veggies in pasta when we have those on hand. Easy peasy.
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